Eco Blog

  • Beeswax Wraps

    It is without a doubt that we live in a fast paced and busy world. Brands have made our life easier by creating quick solutions to life's little tasks, however usually these solutions can be damaging to the environment, and to many other aspects of our health. 
  • Happi Earth Laundry Liquid Review - the best eco friendly laundry cleaner on the market

    As a mum of 2 small kids and a family of sensitive skin, I needed a better solution to laundry liquids than what the supermarkets were offering up.
  • Degradable, Biodegradable or Compostable?! 🤔

    Ever wondered what the difference is between Degradable, Biodegradable and Compostable? Wonder no more! This short post will give you all the answers.